Saturday, November 21, 2009


How could mashups serve international governance? Would mashups serve to make government more effective?
The term mashup implies easy, fast integration, frequently using open APIs and data sources to produce results that were not the original reason for producing the raw source data. In easier terms, mashup consists of a whole bunch of information provided on one page or even on a map. For instance the mashup can provide weather conditions, the status of the country and if disease related it can even provide the information of the number of people dead and infected with a certain disease.

Applications such as mashup’s are definitely effective for governments. But this relies heavily on the set up of e-governance. E-Governance is such as a webpage, where citizens can interact with the government via through emails or conduct transactions (Lecture 9 11-16-09). Efficiency is the main goal for E-governance, and if it allows citizens to do a number of things on one webpage, it will definitely improve the efficiency of a site. A great example of this is provided in the Holliday and Kwok article on E-government. It clearly describes the role of e-government and its interactions between the government and various businesses. In this situation mashups would be very effective since they would make it easier for foreign investors to invest in a country based on its different aspects of information provided through one webpage. This would be very effective in terms of business and government since it would receive more foreign investments in an effective way. Mashups provide a number of possibilities in terms of improving the governments and making it more effective.All-in-all, mashups are are effective and the main goal of e-government is to be efficient, therefore, they match perfectly together.

Here’s a link to a mashup:

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Global civil society

Global civil society is a manifestation of social energies released by an awakening of human consciousness to possibilities for creating societies that nurture and rejoice in a love of all being. It is a set of beliefs/ideas/concerns that brings different types of people together as one according to their interests in a specific arena. There’s many example that can exemplify this term such as NGO’s, religious groups, or even the petition by all UofT students to drop fees. All, come together as one and share a certain belief in regards to a certain topic.

The Global civil society is a means of communication amongst these people to further accentuate their interest and ideas and make it known amongst non-members. The whole idea is to strengthen these ties and have a reason to fight for or to believe in. In a way, it’s almost like the internet. It allows various people from different cultures/areas to come together and connect as one. The internet also promotes these institutions globally to integrate more members who share the same view. The video we saw in our previous lecture called “Linking Lebanon”, where activist experiment with the social media is an example of the Internet serving as a source to connect people.

All-in-all, I believe that global society is a good way of bringing people together as one, and that the Internet plays a vital role in promoting global civil societies. It’s a good way of feeling the importance of belonging to something for those who don’t have strong immediate ties. Free the children, by Craig Keilgurge is a unique NGO that demonstrates strong features of global society. I know this because, it has definitely impacted my life, and I’ve been able to help others get a sense of “belonging to” or “connecting with” others in need of help across the globe.

Below is a map locating my birth place and my university city !

Friday, November 6, 2009

My podcast - Internet and consumers?

Hello istb01 students, please listen to my podcast and let me know what you all think of my view of the question : Does the internet democratize the consumers?

- Mehwish.Malik

Sunday, November 1, 2009

What version of historical change do you believe in and why?

What version of historical change do you believe in and why?

“Internet” is one of the greatest inventions by mankind. I fully support this point being that us human beings are highly dependent on the internet. I know for fact sake, I classify as one of those internet addicts in everyday life. Our ways of communication have changed and progressed to a new level.

Cosmopolitan view, a set of beliefs that eliminates borders and supports the freedom of right strongly believes in the advancing reforms created day-by-day by technology. This provokes questions, theories and ideas. None-the-less, it historically supports “technological advancement”

First, it was the amazing invention of “telephone”, but now I turn to “skype”. Skype is one of the latest and hottest “inn-thing”. It allows us to connect with people all around the globe in terms of chatting, video/voice chatting and even calling and texting phones through our own computers at home. It is the form and the means of communication, which proves the escalation of internet and its functions in our lives. This defines and accentuates our definition of “techonology”. We’ve become so innovative, that we can conquer any means of communication anywhere in the globe within minutes. It’s amazing, what changes technology has brought in our lives.

Other amazing features of the internet not only allow us to connect with people all around the globe but some other features also allow us to research, shop, play games, gamble,chat, podcast links, watch video’s and listen to music and even to create blogs posting out thoughts.

Paying certain attention to podcast links, they allow us to discover and keep up to date with the newest developments in the world. There’s so many features to it, its fascinating. This is a link which’ll allow you to see various features of the podcast and videos and links provided by it:

Monday, October 26, 2009

What determines the structure of a folksonomy and why? The code, the content or the social process?

What determines the structure of a folksonomy and why? The code, the content or the social process?

Firstly, to being with, with a basic Wikipedia explanation of what folksonomy is that it is basically a system of classification derived from the practice and method of collaboratively creating and managing tags to annotate and categorize content; this practice is also known as collaborative tagging, social classification, social indexing, and social tagging. All in all, folksonomy is an easier way of accessing information, even through a mere keyword. A folksonomy brings life to a network, without network folksonomy wouldn’t exists and vice versa. It is the mere acknowledgement of social processes through popularization. Folksonomy represents information/ knowledge provided by the tagger e.g. in terms of a picture, the content provided is the form of folksonomy. Thus, content and social processing are the basic structure determinant of folksonomy serving its purpose and not the code .

I believe, social processing is a factor that occurs because of folksonomy. Facebook, Twitter, IGoogle and perhaps in some cases even yahoo chats are networks where social processing takes place. Facebook for example is a very popular network that displays pictures, information, interests and many more user approved information. Pictures for example, when tagged if provided by the user display who, what, when, where, why and even how in some cases. This display of information through tags (folksonomy) when viewed by other users is the means of popularizing that specific content. Thus, this increases social processes because of folksonomy and folksonomy because of social processes. Overall, justifying that social process and content are the actual determinants of folksonomy.

A useful way of understanding folksonomy :

Do post a comment and leave your thoughts ! =)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Wikis and effective means of communication?

Are wikis an effective means of communication? Why or why not? Include a link to your entry.

Wikipedia is an online encyclopaedia and, as a means to that end, an online community of people interested in building a high-quality encyclopaedia in a spirit of mutual respect .Wikipedia and Wiki answers are useful for finding information that can in turn lead you to more reliable sources of information. The good thing about Wikipedia is that it can provide you with all sorts of information within seconds. Depending on the word you chose to explore, you may view different types of information such as definition, history, symptoms, theories or even cause and effects of the term. The truth about Wikipedia is that it does not publish original research or original thought. This includes unpublished facts, arguments, speculation, and ideas; and any unpublished analysis or synthesis of published material that serves to advance a position. No reputable educational establishment will accept only wiki as a reliable source of information. This is so because; Wikipedia and Wiki answers are not the best to rely on because anyone can edit the information. For example if you look at a page on Wikipedia you will see where it says discussion then you will see edit this page someone could easily go there and type in wrong info. Even Wikipedia’s founder, Jimmy Wales, says he wants to get the message out to college students that they shouldn’t use it for class projects or serious research. It is most definitely not an effective means of communication since the information can be easily altered by anyone !! post a comment, and tell me what you think!? =)

Wikipedia Article Link:

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Digital Divide..

Should we be worried about digital divide? Why or why not?

To start of with digital divide is the gap that exists between those who own and have easy access to internet and computers in comparison to those who do not. Author Jeffery James states in his article that the global digital divide is widely measured by international institutions in terms of the number of persons with individual access to those technologies. Yet, while this measure makes sense in the rich countries, where individual ownership is widespread among the population, it makes very little sense in poor countries. I believe that we should be worried about digital divide due to various reasons. Digital divide is a gap on its own but it also is one of the many leading reasons that differentiate between the rich and the poor. We as UTSC students, as Canadians, as a first world nation are able to have access to computers, internet and many new technological inventions. We have easier and faster access to educational programs and games, research information for school projects and business, the opportunity to communicate with people from all around the world, the opportunity to share resources and ideas with people that have the same interests and even shopping around the world without leaving your computer. These are just some of the benefits we enjoy just because we have access to the computers. This geographical difference between Canada and any Third World country makes a huge difference in our lives. In the 21st century there are at least about ten million people in Third World countries who also have access to computers. But ten million is nothing in comparison to the total number of people that reside in third world countries, which exceeds 2.8 billion people! (Facts, 2009)  Yes, its true there’s MORE then 2.8 BILLION PEOPLE in Third World countries.

Digital divide is a complexed phenomenon, when looking at what the access to computers provides other then its benefits. One of the drawbacks of having easy access to the information provided on the internet is that not all information is locally or internally produced, instead it mainly is retrieved from outside sources. Even though, its possible to translate the most common language English into the desired language through which the internet is usually accessed, it still doesn’t provide the protective factors against the internet. I believe even though having internet access is an amazing factor in all our lives, I think for the young ones it doesn’t serve a purpose. Children today are introduced to the internet at very early ages such as 2 yrs of age. A 2 yr old doesn’t “Need” an internet service. The international agencies should focus on providing internet to those who really “need” it. For instance, a poor man, who has the potential of working and providing for his family, having access to internet, would make searching for a job easier for him rather then not knowing how and where to apply. The internet can categorize jobs according to location and convenience. Who knows, maybe that one man who has the potential of providing for his family might have been able to if he had the access to internet. I guess that’s something we will never know unless or until access to those who really need internet services is made easier for the poor in Third World countries. The digital divide is an issue which should be taken into consideration. It can be the source of good “change” in the Third World countries. It’s a source of education, since news and all sorts of information is all just one click away. I feel that even though there are many issues the Third World countries are facing, the digital divide should certainly be one that should be put into the queue for getting ahead. Progression is one click away.

Here’s a link for better understanding of the digital divide in the third world in clipped within 1min and 10 seconds:

Please post a comment, on your thoughts!
- M.M

Saturday, September 26, 2009

How my grandparents communicated and how would web 3.0 change my life...

My grandparents are from Lahore, Pakistan. The ways in which communication was considered “technological” in my grand parents time was through letters, telegraphs, and telephones. The telephone, an item which is taken for granted today, was invented by Alexander Graham Bell. This device brought people into closer proximity to each other and allowed the house needs to be satisfied without leaving the home. It created new jobs and women were given the opportunity to work as switch board operators. Another important invention in the communication industry was the development of wireless telegraphy or radio. This accomplishment is credited to an Italian inventor,Guglielmo Marconi. He produced the first transatlantic wireless signal in history and invented the beam system of wireless for long-distance communication. Considering, that three of my grandparents are still here with me enjoying the luxuries of internet, cellphones, iphones, ipods and much more, proves the growth of communication and its affect on the human race. More then one billion peoples use the internet today (kleinrock,2008) I consider the internet to be the main source of communication next to use of cell phones. It almost seems impossible to communicate without these two essential devices. The pre-Internet world, from which my grandparents have advanced from was definitely and obviously much less “technological”. My grandparents “world” was very simple. It included face-to-face communication more then anything. With time, progression of technology has amazingly impacted our worlds, that even as a UofT student, as an assignment we’re having to do scrap-book blog entries for marks! =) I bet this wasn’t the case back then in our grand parents time.LOL

Something fascinating that we’ve learned about in this course within the first two weeks has been Web 3.0. It has amazing features and is based on making our access to anything and everything easier through the web. When Web 3.0 hits our world, it will definitely play an enormous role in changing our lives for the better. Semantic web (Web 3.0) holds a great deal of promise by helping computers help us get what we want. It’s a major focus of the www employees, who are trying their best to spread the idea of semantic web. Web 3.0 -- will make tasks like your search for movies and food faster and easier. An example of one of the many features of Web 3.0 would be allowing us to search based on our interests. If im trying to search for a good dessert place near a movie theatre, instead of searching through and typing in complex sentences trying to get a hold of a nearby place web 3.0 will allow me to type in a simple sentence such as “I want to see a movie and then eat good dessert nearby. What are my options?” The Web 3.0 browser will analyze your response, search the Internet for all possible answers, and then organize the results for you. Its almost as if Web 3.0 will act like a personal assistant. With time, the web will keep compiling all your searches and categorize them as your interests. It will then get an understanding of your interests in various categorizes. Eventually you will be able to type in simple sentences such as “What should I do for fun today?” and the web will analyze your interests through your previous searches and then as a final step will provide you with automatic results. Fascinating right!? In my opinion, I cant wait to see the new Web 3.0 and its cool features. I wonder if we’ll eventually be able to out run the increase of technology. Will there ever be a point where we can’t get any more “technological?” HMmmm.. What are you opinions about web3.0 and the means of communication? =)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009